Foot Tappers
More info kindly supplied by Peter Murdie.
Later I played guitar in the Foot Tapper,both as a rhythm guitarist, then as lead giuitarist, and later when the line up changed and  Dave Sams  joined playing a Vox Continental keyboard, our sound changed somewhat to a Booker  T  and the MG;s   " Green onions "  "Time
is tight" and more R& B
By the way...........I am also in touch with Howard  Conder  Ex drummer with the Barron Knights and Joe Brown and the Bruvvers,  Howard was in the same class at school as me , but recently renewed contact after  43 years.......................!
He is now anchor man, Revelation TV sky channel 765
Where are you now girls?
A couple of recent (2007) pics of Dave Neale ex Foot Tappers bass player (above) and Peter Murdie ex Rhythm Guitar (below) showing where his allegiance still lies.
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